• 0704595466 / 0203595430
  • info[@]radioguardsacco.co.ke
  • Nacico Plaza

Radio Guard savings and cooperative society was registered in SEP 1983 under the Cooperatives Societies Act by then employees of Security Services (K) . In 2021, licensed to conduct non-withdrawable deposit taking business under the Sacco Society Act of 2008. Under the watchful eye and regulation of the Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA), the Society continues to respond to the emerging and growing needs of members.

The objective of the society was to create a vehicle to promote a savings culture among the members and to lend out loans to the members for personal development, school fees and emergency expenses.
In the execution of its mandate as a savings and credit cooperative society, Radio Guard Sacco encourages thrift among its members by affording them an opportunity to accumulate savings and offers credit at a fair and reasonable rate of interest for development and other needs. The Sacco also offers financial services which serve the interests of members.

Our Company

Through a risk management programme and continuous education of members, the Sacco ensures proper use of credit and security of members’ savings and investments. Over the years the society has grown from strength to strength to become a commercially autonomous, democratically controlled and self-reliant business enterprise. This is due to the support received from our members and other stakeholders at large. Currently, our asset base stands at 34,413,259 Million; our loan portfolio is 244,251,281 million. The assets are supported by member deposits of 298,047,085, share capital of 4,848,441 million and other liabilities (Audited report FYY2020).


All confidential documents should be stored in locked file cabinets or rooms accessible only to those who have a business “need-to-know.” We secure our clients information and all necessary storage done.


When an important project deadline is missed, a team leader with integrity takes responsibility for the oversight, addressing the issue and implementing changes to prevent future problems.


We excels in the knowledge, skills, and behaviors required our their role; delivers our work to the best of our abilities, even on tough days; we go above and beyond our job descriptions .

Our Services

The objective of the society was to create a vehicle to promote a savings culture among the members and to lend out loans to the members for personal development, school fees and emergency expenses.

School Fees Loan

SCHOOL FEES LOAN Maximum repayment period of 12 calendar months Interest – 1% reducing balance Attach supportive documents i.e. School admission letter and fee structure Copy of ID card, pays lip and ID copies of guarantors Non-check-off attach six months Bank statement /Mpesa statement


Emergency Loan

EMEGENCY LOAN Maximum repayment period of 12 months. Subject to 1/3 salary rule Interest rate of 1% reducing balance Attach current payslip, copy of ID card Copies of ID of guarantors in case the existing loan exceeds deposits Attach supportive documents.


Normal Loan

NORMAL LOAN: Maximum eligibility 2 times deposits subjects to 1/3 rule Repayment period maximum of 60 months Interest rate 1% monthly on reducing balance Borrower to attach two current pays lips, copy of ID card and copy of Guarantor’s national ID Maximum of 6 guarantors non-check-off attach 6 months bank statement/Mpesa.
